Saturday, August 17, 2019

Tracking Data Changes - Change Tracking, Part 2

In my last post, I showed you how to enable, configure, and disable change tracking at the database level. Very good, as far as that goes, but you're not going to get very far without tracking some actual data changes!

To recap, enabling change tracking at the database level is very simple:
ALTER DATABASE <database name here> 

(Note on the code snippets: I'm using Markdown for this post to simplify my blogging workflow; please let me know if you'd rather I keep using Gists for code samples)

If you don't provide a retention period, SQL Server's default is 2 days. Auto-cleanup defaults to ON unless you tell it otherwise.


The table level commands aren't any more complicated. Before we get started, please note that change tracking requires a primary key on the table you want to track. This is reasonable - you need some kind of unique identifier to tell you which row has changed.

With the PK requirement in mind, on we go!

Much as enabling change tracking at the database level uses a simple ALTER DATABASE command, enabling change tracking at the table level uses a simple ALTER TABLE command:

There's not a lot going on here either. You have three things to specify:
  1. The table you want to track changes on
  2. Enabling or (spoiler alert!) disabling change tracking
  3. Whether you want to track which column(s) were updated or not
As you may have guessed, if you want to disable change tracking, just change ENABLE to DISABLE and omit the WITH clause.

Speaking of that WITH, if you don't specify a setting for TRACK_COLUMNS_UPDATED, SQL Server will default it to OFF in order to reduce space requirements for change tracking.

While we're talking about TRACK_COLUMNS_UPDATED, it does just what it says on the tin. This is a good time to remind you that unlike other methods of tracking changes, all this does is tell you that a given record was updated and which columns were updated - it does not give you any state data. We'll cover this in more detail in a future post.

A word of warning: you can't modify the TRACK_COLUMNS_UPDATED setting without disabling and re-enabling change tracking on the table.

To see which tables have change tracking enabled, query the catalog view sys.change_tracking_tables:

As with sys.change_tracking_databases, the information is fairly basic. Kendra Little's fantastic article I referenced in my last post has a great script for this, too:
-- Kendra Little made this too; it's also posted at
SELECT AS tracked_schema_name, AS tracked_table_name,
    ctt.begin_version /*when CT was enabled, or table was truncated */,
    ctt.min_valid_version /*syncing applications should only expect data on or after this version */ ,
    ctt.cleanup_version /*cleanup may have removed data up to this version */
FROM sys.change_tracking_tables AS ctt
JOIN sys.objects AS so 
    ON ctt.[object_id]=so.[object_id]
JOIN sys.schemas AS sc 
    ON so.schema_id=sc.schema_id;

Of course, feel free to write your own if you need different information!

For our simple example, it gives us:

Joining on sys.schemas and sys.objects, Kendra's script yet again gives us human-readable results. I can't emphasize enough how important it is to script for readability.

As I mentioned before, disabling change tracking at the table level is equally simple:

Don't forget - if you wish to disable change tracking at the database level, you'll need to disable change tracking for all tables first.

Thank you for continuing to read this series! Please join me next time when I show you around working with change tracking!


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Tyson H said...

Thankks for a great read

Gary A said...

Nice blog, thanks for posting